Shopie gregoire trudeau

       Sophie gregoire trudeau was born on April 24, 1975 (age 44 years). She was the wife of the Canadian prime minister named Justin Trudeau.
He married in 2005.
       Sophie Grego Trudeau, wife of the Canadian prime minister, Justin Trudeau was declared positive by Corona after a visit to Paris. The statement was announced by the office of the prime minister of Canada on Thursday night (12/03/2020) local time. Reporting from (03/13/2020), shopie started showing symptoms such as mild flu, including low fever on Wednesday night after returning from London.
       In conclusion, the prime minister's office revealed that shopie's condition was in an improved condition. He would undergo all the recommended precautions. After undergoing the test and tested positive for having covid-19, through a message she delivered to her husband's office, Shopie said that she would soon stand back despite having uncomfortable symptoms of the virus.


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